Thursday, January 2, 2014
When I saw this ceramic focal cabochon at Bead Fest I was so intrigued by it that I just had to own it. I love science fiction and this reminded me of a planet floating out in space. I had no idea what I was going to do with it at the time. Like most of the pieces I create I had to wait for it to speak to me. I'm very pleased with the way it turned out. Any opinions??? I love hearing your comments and critique. You can find this piece in my Etsy store.
I hope everyone had a wonderful Holiday Season. I have felt like I've been on a non-stop roller coaster. It's been a fun and thrilling ride but I'm glad it's over. It was great being with my family and all the craziness that happens when we are together. But this roller coaster is finally coming into the station. I have a few quiet minutes to reflect upon the last year and set some goals for the new one. Last year was full of dreams. I wanted to do so many things that never happened. I wanted to make and sell more art and jewelry. I wanted to take classes to improve my skills. I wanted to get out into the world and meet more people who had a passion for the same things I did. What happened? Work! That's what happened. My brain could not contain all the ideas I had while sitting at my desk all day but by the time I got home I was too tired to manifest them. No more excuses.....It is time to turn those dreams into reality. So here we go.....New year, new roller coaster, and new ride.
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Position Eliminated
Few things in life are as demeaning as showing up for work only to be told your position has been eliminated. Yes, this is my circumstance. Since I had more seniority then most of the people left, I only took one sick day in the past year, and being the perfectionist that I am, always crossed my T's and dotted my I's, I questioned Why me? I was told I fell within the matrix, with no further explanation. What exactly does that mean? Oh, I finally figured it out. It meant I was 58 years old and I had a Mouth and a Voice. Imagine that? I have never been a "YES MAN" or woman as the case may be. Contributing to the common cause makes me happy. I believe in working as a team where everyone contributes freely. Evidently this corporation does not agree. A mind is a terrible thing to waste. Wouldn't you agree? I know God did not put me on this earth to fail. He has given me talents that I must now tap into and expand to their full measure. I have no time in my life for negative energy. Having lost my place as a cog in the corporate wheel it's time for me to focus on building a new wheel, a better wheel, a beautiful wheel, one that will take me on new adventures. I invite you to come along with me because adventures are always more fun with friends.
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
Curiouser and Curiouser

Wednesday, July 4, 2012
Sunday, July 1, 2012
Tired of Waiting
So it's been 18 months since I wrote anything on my blog. I surprised myself when I realized that. I knew that it had been a while but 18 months...... Anyway...... I have been doing some things and I hope to have them posted soon. I've really been thinking a lot lately about my art and where I want it to take me. I feel like I've really been stagnant as far as putting myself out there. I looked into my fully stocked card inventory but not one of them have been scanned or posted. Shame on me. I keep dreaming of making a living with my art but I'm not doing very much to promote myself. I'm tired of waiting for someone to knock on my door and say "Hey we've heard about your work and we'd love to see it". Yeah, that is not going to happen. I've come to the realization that if people don't see what I do, they don't even know that I do it. I guess this is the place to start, right here at The Art Buffet. That is the reason I started my blog to begin with. I wanted a place to show my work and share some techniques with fellow artist. I also wanted to belong to a community that wasn't available in my area. I wanted to bounce things off other artist for critique. Kind of hard to do when you're not showing anything. I need creativity in my life whether it's my own work or I'm ooohhhing and ahhhing over something someone else has done. I do believe it is time to reassess my artistic goals, get off my keaster and make them happen. On a lighter more positive note the Beach Babes shadow box on my previous post was published in the Winter edition of Somerset Studio Gallery Magazine. I really feel like I've got it I've just got to believe in myself to do it.
Friday, December 31, 2010
Starting to get my life back
I know that some of you have wondered where I've been and why I have not been diligent in my swaps. Well here it is in a nut shell. With one daughter getting married, one in college, another one starting college in Aug. and another one starting in 2 years I found myself in the unfortunate position of giving up my days and finding a real job....with a paycheck.
We celebrated my daughters wedding on Oct. 9th and I started the new job on the 11th. I know, no rest for the weary. A couple week later my husband had a severe allergic reaction to some dye given him for a CT scan. Buyer Beware this could be Hazardous to you Health. He looked like someone had dipped him in a vat of acid. After 3 weeks of pain, sleepless night, and eventually his whole body peeling he returned to work. That was the week before Thanksgiving. I prepared our wonderful feast here because he still could not travel. We where thankful to have him on the road to recovery. Then Christmas came upon us. I'm not complaining but boy does this job put a cramp in my style. I had no gifts made or bought. I leave the house at 5:30 am and return at 5:30 pm with hungry children, husband, and dog waiting for the much anticipated evening meal to appear. Needless to say my art room was very lonely without me. Every time I had to go in there for something I could hear the walls saying "Come back to us, we need to inspire you to create something." Now that this year has come to an end, I'm looking forward to finding some time to do the things that make my soul sing. I'm dedicating every Sunday to church and art. So if I have flaked on you in a swap I am in deed very sorry. I hope you will understand and accept my sincere apology. If you have been following me and I've given you nothing new to see, I apologize, stay tuned for some wonderful things in January. I hope everyone has a wonderful Happy New Year. If you're going out please drive safely, if you can't drive safely stay where you are. Remember you are loved.
We celebrated my daughters wedding on Oct. 9th and I started the new job on the 11th. I know, no rest for the weary. A couple week later my husband had a severe allergic reaction to some dye given him for a CT scan. Buyer Beware this could be Hazardous to you Health. He looked like someone had dipped him in a vat of acid. After 3 weeks of pain, sleepless night, and eventually his whole body peeling he returned to work. That was the week before Thanksgiving. I prepared our wonderful feast here because he still could not travel. We where thankful to have him on the road to recovery. Then Christmas came upon us. I'm not complaining but boy does this job put a cramp in my style. I had no gifts made or bought. I leave the house at 5:30 am and return at 5:30 pm with hungry children, husband, and dog waiting for the much anticipated evening meal to appear. Needless to say my art room was very lonely without me. Every time I had to go in there for something I could hear the walls saying "Come back to us, we need to inspire you to create something." Now that this year has come to an end, I'm looking forward to finding some time to do the things that make my soul sing. I'm dedicating every Sunday to church and art. So if I have flaked on you in a swap I am in deed very sorry. I hope you will understand and accept my sincere apology. If you have been following me and I've given you nothing new to see, I apologize, stay tuned for some wonderful things in January. I hope everyone has a wonderful Happy New Year. If you're going out please drive safely, if you can't drive safely stay where you are. Remember you are loved.
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